Blog Post

NSW Police Academy Goulburn

Hurlcon Hydronic Heating • March 24, 2020

Hurlcon Hydronic Heating supplied Lamborghini wall hung boilers coupled with Thermarad radiators to provide reliable, comfortable and efficient central heating to the facility.

The NSW Police Academy is situated in 40 hectares of undulating land at Goulburn, in the southern highlands of New South Wales, approximately 200 kilometres from Sydney. A driver training complex is located approximately 5km from the main campus and comprises about 80 hectares of land.

The Academy buildings are extensive, consisting of 80 training facilities such as lecture theatres, classrooms, virtual weapons training facility, live fire indoor pistol range, a simulation training venue, and a covered outdoor learning area.

Hurlcon Hydronic Heating have supplied a number of Lamborghini wall hung boilerscoupled with Thermarad radiatorsto provide reliable, comfortable and efficient central heating to various sections of the facility.

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